Quotes about peer-to-peer (16 Quotes)

    Whatever big problem you can imagine, from world peace to the environment to hunger to poverty, the solution always includes education, ... We need to depend more on peer-to-peer and self-driven learning. The laptop is one important means of doing that.

    It is still too early to sound the death knell for peer-to-peer MP3 sharing technologies. Congress provided this safe harbor, because they wanted to provide protection so that the information location industry could provide this useful service.

    Peer-to-peer technology has benefits, but it also carries many dangers, the most egregious of which is the potential for widespread and unauthorized piracy. Without the permission of the author of the work, who will be able to tell when personal use ends and piracy begins It is the fundamental question of what is fair and right for the creators and those who made that creation possible.

    Otherwise we will have a situation like what happened with the peer-to-peer problems in the music industry, and there will be a loss in revenue in the film industry, and then we won't be able to create the magic that we have in the past.

    Addressing the insider threat is becoming more complex. The increasing use of corporate e-mail, Web e-mail, instant messaging, peer-to-peer, and other channels for distributing data and the proliferation of mobile devices that allow employees to carry sensitive information outside the organization's boundaries make the control of outbound content increasingly difficult.

    Nobody has ever built a reliable peer-to-peer service, where people can really access all the music they want in one location,... Once I got it into my head, I couldn't imagine the media space without one.

    We have no aversion to peer-to-peer technology. For us, it is in some respects kind of a promising delivery method. We obviously have issues with its illegal uses, but to the extent that the use of the technology can be legitimized, we're all for it.

    We're trying to send a strong message that you are not anonymous when you participate in peer-to-peer file-sharing and that the illegal distribution of copyrighted music has consequences, ... And as this case illustrates, parents need to be aware of what their children are doing on their computers.

    One of the lessons we've certainly learned is you can't stem the technology tide, ... Peer-to-peer networks are here to stay and that begs the question, 'How do you live and work with them rather than let them be a source of piracy'

    I think peer-to-peer technologies are starting to become more accepted. Video is a very important part of the Internet and with Internet distribution, they're definitely on the right path. The important factor is to get the content out there, which helps to curb piracy.

    If you have peer-to-peer software on your company computer, you must remove it immediately, ... Failure to do so, and the failure to respect music copyrights may lead to disciplinary action, including termination. Beginning shortly, we will scan our computer network to detect the presence of file sharing software on company computers.

    Despite the uncontested praise for the high court's decision, it soon became clear that associations between P2P technology and illicit file-sharing activity were still being drawn With this ruling, the Supreme Court has set an important message that the law does not allow companies to induce others to steal, ... Given that millions of Americans have downloaded or swapped files using peer-to-peer technology, the Department of Justice observed that it appears many people have come to view piracy over peer-to-peer networks as different, and less objectionable, compared to stealing a physical copy of a CD or DVD from the store. By holding companies that promote copyright infringement by clear expression, or other affirmative steps taken to foster infringement, the Supreme Court has made it very clear that stealing is unacceptable.

    The announcement from Northrop Grumman Corporation is the latest in a growing series of successes for 1394 in some very exciting and valuable applications. Their testing program for the polar orbiting satellite system demonstrates the benefits of 1394. These include very high speed data transport, peer-to-peer connectivity which eliminates the need for a central controlling host, flexible topology which makes it easy to add devices on an as needed basis, and efficient allocation of bandwidth which benefits configurations which include a variety of devices with varying throughput needs. These are the attributes of 1394 that continue to move it into new product groups, and we are very pleased to hear of their application in the fault-tolerant chipset for the satellite program.

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