Quotes about pena (12 Quotes)

    I'm not thinking about that right now, but he's playing in winter ball right now and Tony Pena told us he's doing well down there. We didn't think Cano would be ready until 2006, but he had a great winter ball season last year, showed up at camp and continued it. Some guys push themselves in the mix quicker.

    I can't believe my boy Arroyo is gone. But I've never seen a guy hit a ball harder than that guy Pena. ... No, not even me. He's 24 years old, he's just a baby. You know this game, it's a learning process.

    I've done it a little bit, ... but I still look at Shelton being the first baseman. ... I'm not going to pinch-hit for Shelton, and I would pinch-hit for Pena. Today I'm probably not going to because he's at first. But really, that's more the thinking. Carlos' track record against left-handers has not been as good.

    Ramirez has been pitching well. But he kept walking Pena with Dunn behind him. Dunn hasn't hit left-handers for a high average this year, but he's dangerous. He hit two rockets off (Ramirez).

    The guy has power, there's no question about it, ... The peaks and valleys, that's going to be the decision on Carlos Pena. Are we getting to a point where we're getting more consistent I would say that I'm seeing some signs, sure. That's why I want to see this all the way to the end. I wouldn't want to see a total dropoff myself.

    The fans are enthusiastic, so it's fun to come here and play well. The Cubs have hit me before, but tonight I threw strikes and the guys played defense behind me. And he (Pena) has hit the ball hard all year. I was grateful he did it again.

    I can't make him any promises, and he knows that. Whether Pena is or isn't in our organization, it's not going to keep him from pressing when he gets out there because he's not getting many opportunities to show us what he can do.

    We've said it before, when Carlos Pena hits a home run -- wow That might be the furthest ball ever hit in this ballpark. He's been a different player since we brought him up six weeks ago. He's a better player.

    I think the only guys who believed in it were the guys in the clubhouse, manager Tony Pena and general manager Allard Baird . No one is going to give us respect until we're on top at the end of September.

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