Quotes about penguins (16 Quotes)

    Compared to other terrestrial animals, penguins have an excessive amount of side-to-side, waddling motion. If humans waddle too much they fall, but penguins somehow overcome this. They may have an elegant movement strategy for stability that we're unaware of.

    And ticket sales, which sagged in recent years in the league's oldest and least fan-friendly arena, soared after Pittsburgh won the No. 1 pick Friday in the NHL draft lottery. The Penguins sold scores of season-ticket packages Friday night to fans from 10 states and Canada, even though ticket-buyers had to wait 45 minutes on hold just to get an operator. We're on Cloud 9, ... This has probably been the (team's) greatest 24-hour period since 1984.

    Despite growing half an inch since last season, Crosby is one of the smaller players in the Penguins' camp. But he is more concerned about his strength. I'm not happy with being average in that department, ... I lost some battles and that's going to happen. These guys are NHL players. If I can win more battles than I lose, I'll be a lot better.

    These penguins are one of the most exciting additions we have ever made to the bird collection. When they're in the water, there's nothing like them - they're perfect little rockets.

    That's the moment I got interested in politics. I remember going to a Penguins game with Artie. He described all the conversations that were going on and he didn't know what he wanted to do at that point, but said he probably wasn't going to go ahead with it. That's when I first started thinking about government and politics ... when I got intrigued by all of the gamesmanship that goes on.

    Not all conservatives find the movie a rebuke to Darwin's theory. If an intelligent designer designed nature, ... why did it decide to make breeding so tedious for those penguins

    We were overwhelmed by the response to this. Names came from everywhere. Past presidents, well known movies, names based on the penguins' black and white coloring and names that translated into different languages.

    We believe that the plan put forth by public officials ensures that the Penguins will have the opportunity to stay in Pittsburgh. What we need to hear from the team is a commitment to stay in Pittsburgh.

    Oh yeah. Definitely. It's going to be tough if the Penguins are not there in the playoffs, obviously, so I'd like to keep playing, and I'd love to represent my country. We'll see what happens, but it would definitely be something I'd be excited about doing.

    The biggest problem with the day-and-date business is for the art film world. Where would March of the Penguins be if it was day-and-date on TV Or My Big Fat Greek Wedding The art film world needs that long window to let the word of mouth expand. If you cut that out, you lose a lot of that success.

    We look forward to working closely with the Penguins as well as state and local officials as we move through the application process. Redevelopment of the Lower Hill and Uptown Districts will return the neighborhood to the community, and funding a new multi-purpose arena will keep the Penguins in Pittsburgh, making this project a winwin for the entire community. At the Isle, we believe that downtown Pittsburgh will become the best entertainment venue in the region.

    Mario's exceptional play earned him accolades. His ability to face adversity earned him respect. His devotion to Pittsburgh and the Penguins earned him admiration. His dedication to hockey - at both the NHL and International levels - earned him the enduring appreciation and thanks of everyone associated with the game. We celebrate his playing career and wish him only the best in the future.

    It's awesome to go again. Winning the Penguins Cup your senior year is like the icing on the cake. It's been a great year. But it's not about getting to the Penguins Cup. It's about winning it. And we can do that.

    We need to know if the Penguins are participating or not. The Penguins need to put money into this plan. It's a plan for the Penguins. They need to take the first step and make a commitment to the city.

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