Quotes about perimeter (16 Quotes)

    They're more perimeter oriented than we are, and they're probably a little more athletic of a team than we are. One key for us is that we have to be really conscious of their ability to shoot the ball. Plus, they're so athletic that we have to limit their long rebounds and hold them off the offensive glass.

    I think we had a better percentage from the arc than we did inside the lane. We felt like we were good perimeter shooters, but we haven't demonstrated that ability all the time. But, when the defense gets extended, we have to be able to convert in the lane so other teams at least have to honor that.

    NBA people want to see versatility, ... That was one of the things I talked about with coach, just stepping out toward the perimeter more. Rebounding is a great skill, and not too many people realize how hard it is to pull down 10-plus per game for your career -- so that can't go away. The main thing for me is stepping out more, while still taking advantage of my rebounding ability.

    Lee might be one of the best shooters I've coached, but what he doesn't get enough credit for is his ability to defend on his perimeter. He's probably our most consistent defender in terms of keeping guys in front of him and challenging shots.

    We need to put undercover security armed people at the curbside of the terminal with the uniform of policemen. We need to protect the terminal. We need to protect the security checkpoint, the gate, the aircraft, the perimeter.

    They really don't have a true inside player. (Jason) Warren (at 6-foot-8) is more of a perimeter player. But he can really spread the defense with his ability to shoot the 3.

    I enjoy playing against Ray. You're playing against one of the top guys in the league as far as perimeter players. I respect him a great deal for his ability on the court, that's why I have to prepare for him the way I do.

    It's an ongoing battle. It's becoming more and more and more difficult to do it. There's so much talent, so much ball-handling ability. There's so many things that officials allow perimeter players to get away with that it's difficult to guard the ball.

    He extends the defense because he's able to knock down shots from the perimeter. In addition, with his size and ability, he can get in the lane, find open teammates or elevate and dunk.

    I think we're beginning to learn more about individual performances by perimeter players who have the ability to do what he does... We have to do something different at times to take the ball out of his hands, force him into areas it's not as easy for him to get done what he gets done.

    She's worked her way into one of our top, if not our top, defender on the perimeter. Like I say, the quickness and the ability -- you watch her do the slide, and she's down lower than most, if not all of the people we have. We're going to miss her when she's gone because she's just such a -- the girl always has a smile on her face, the girl always is enthusiastic and leads by example.

    Brook is more of a skilled perimeter player, while Robin is definitely an inside player. Robin is better defensively. He has a tremendous ability to block shots and rebound.

    They did a good job of playing defense on the perimeter, and that ability to defend out front kept us from getting our inside game going. We missed some easy looks inside, too.

    Penny's best basketball is ahead of him. He grew up playing guard and has grown eight inches in the last two years, which gives him the unique quality of possessing height as well as perimeter skills. Penny has a lot of athletic ability and his versatility really excites our staff.

    Damon will be a great addition to our core group. His character, his ability to shoot the basketball from the perimeter and his playmaking skills will be a solid asset.

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