Quotes about perot (14 Quotes)

    When Clinton was elected, a lot of people on the right said it was a fluke, that it wouldn't have happened if Perot hadn't been there. So the right was offended at Clinton's election, because they didn't think it was fair - meaning the ideological right had a reason to be upset, and they expressed what they were upset about.

    The only thing they have got is about eight or 10 people in positions of power and influence who are former Perot folks who simply want to derail our nomination, ... Fox News Sunday.

    Well, first of all, I was asked by Ross Perot on a telephone call in March of 1992 if, since he had committed on the Larry King Show to becoming a candidate for president, to get on all 50 ballots.

    Haig told Perot that the Christmas effort to send mail to U. S. prisoners of war in North Vietnam caught Hanoi off balance, and its handling of the matter caused it to lose face in the eyes of diplomats and other foreign officials in North Vietnam. ... a tremendous success.

    Potts' major strength is that if he had money, he's a distinctive personality. He comes across, by contrast to the other two, in a unique way. He has a persona that's some cross between Harry Truman and Ross Perot. That's appealing to a lot of people today who feel that candidates are too careful, too scripted, too stage-managed.

    Although (IBM) CEO Gerstner said in May he has no concerns about services, we do. EDS, SCS, and Perot have each suffered recently. Contract signings appear solid, but the time between outsourcing order and implementation may be increasing in the mature U.S.

    You mentioned Ross Perot. Mr. Perot jumped into the race at the last minute, had one issue that he ran on, the budget deficit, was in and out of the race a couple of times, and still got 20 million votes, didn't have the Internet.

    I really think the establishment of a third party is important. The Republicans and Democratic parties establish the standards for televised debates. Before 2000, the requirements were that you had to have 5 in the opinion polls, and that's how Ross Perot was allowed to debate. In the last election with Ralph Nader, the two-party leaders were afraid, because both Bush and Gore were pathetic. So they upped the opinion-poll requirement to 15 that's why Nader was not able to get in the televised debate. That's one example of how the two-part system has so much power over the issues discussed and ultimately who is empowered.

    I do not believe Robin Moore and Ross Perot have any competition for being the two greatest supporters in America today for our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, but especially for our special operations community, ... We are very fortunate and blessed to have Robin and Helen Moore to move into our great community of Hopkinsville.

    It's a battleground state for them. Bradley went there two or three times for Clinton in 1996. There are a lot of Perot voters up there who Bradley could appeal to.

    He's different than Perot and Smale because he does know the business and he's been close to it for a long, long time. Jerry is a disciplined guy. His intent is not to blow the place up.

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