Quotes about phillip (14 Quotes)

    After working around the clock since Monday, this office, along with the Postal Inspector's office were able to develop evidence that Phillip Bennett had played an active role in hiding from the public the debt from Refco,

    Phillip did a great job to keep his composure out there. With the kind of luck he's had this year, he could've lost it, but he didn't. Still it looked like we'd wrapped the game up and put a bow on it for West Davidson. But then the freshman hits a bomb.

    At about that time, the traditional creationists took up the phrase. We are a Christian organization and use the term to refer to the Christian God, ... The modern intelligent design movement looks at Dr. Phillip Johnson as its founder. ... His book, 'Darwin on Trial,' kind of started it all in the early '90s. We were using intelligent design as an intuitive term a watch implies a watchmaker.

    Shooting began in November in and around Winnipeg, Canada, standing in for the farming community of Holcomb, Kan., where Perry Smith and Dick Hickok, in 1959, murdered all four members of the Clutter family. Capote ... We made this film in the context of little time, little money and an actor who was in anguish, because that's what the role calls for. The hardest thing was asking for a 16th take. And then asking for a 17th take. And then asking for an 18th take. Philip had his head in his hands, literally. The way this film was shot, the camera is unflinching in the way it scrutinizes Phillip. There was nowhere for him to hide.

    How many extra pitches did Phillip have to throw because we didn't make some plays It's disheartening to play as well as we did at East Rowan (a 4-1 win on Monday) and then turn around and not play with any intensity today. We need to be pushing forward, but we're playing one good game, then taking a step back.

    If it weren't for Phillip Wellman I wouldn't be here right now. He's the one who got me going, taught me about patience at the plate and who showed me how to work. You'd go out there some afternoons in Pearl and it would seem like 180 degrees in that cage, but that's what it takes.

    We felt like if we could get a couple of more runs, we could really break it up and put a little distance between us. The guys did exactly what they were supposed to do. Phillip Vance did a great job putting it down the first-base line, where we asked him

    We found the original draft of the scientific paper, which said, 'secondhand smoke increases the risk of sudden infant death,' in Phillip Morris's corporate files along with their suggestions to Sullivan to change it.

    We know they can hit the ball. Phillip (Watson) does a good job keeping you off balance. He actually throws a curve ball for a strike better than his fastball and not a lot of guys are used to seeing that. Then Josh Bradshaw came in and did a good job on the mound. He throws the ball over the plate. He's pretty fearless.

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