Quotes about photo-ops (4 Quotes)

    We need more than photo-ops and spin control to win this war. We need an effective plan to achieve our goals in Iraq and protect our troops. The president once again offered neither. He needs to realize what most Americans now understand -- that staying the course is not an option.

    Many White House photo-ops are staged events, but did the most recent one go too far President Bush held a video conference on Thursday with U. S. troops in Iraq. But some eyebrows were raised by what came over the satellite beforehand A Pentagon aide rehearsing the soldiers' answers. We'll have more on that just ahead.

    Rising interest rates, rising debt and fewer good-paying jobs are making it harder for America's families to make ends meet, ... The president should use his Texas vacation to spend time overhauling his economic policies, not staging photo-ops.

    We don't need more meetings, more photo-ops, ... What we need today is a serious process that will affect the lives of the people, that will give them hope that we are finally on the road towards ending this long-standing conflict.

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