Quotes about poaching (9 Quotes)

    The agreement will help Central African countries cooperate across borders in protected areas management, to tackle poaching and the illicit bushmeat trade, as well as illegal logging,

    Recently, 15 rhinos were killed in a five month spate of poaching in Nepal, showing us that there is no room for complacency in our battle to save this species, ... Wanted Alive Asian rhinos in the wild.

    The decline in sturgeon populations around the world is leading to pressures for poaching in this country. Caviar is very valuable. It's easy to smuggle. It's like drugs.

    It seems to be a combination of things. A number of different things have come together that caused concern. In 2000-2001 we had a severe drought and we lost the class of several years, especially on the Cape, when they were not able to get out of the ponds. There is also increased predation from cormorants, the seal population is high on Cape and the striped bass population is up. And there's the combo of fishing and poaching.

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