Quotes about policing (16 Quotes)

    A journey is a person in itself; no two are alike. And all plans, safeguards, policing, and coercion are fruitless. We find that after years of struggle that we do not take a trip; a trip takes us.

    If anything, I want to strengthen our partnership with him because I think this improves our ability to better engage the community as part of our policing efforts. That's the whole basis of everything we are trying to do, and we want to expand the amount of information we make accessible to citizens.

    The media's credibility takes a short-term hit with these public corrections. But ... the media is becoming very skillful at policing itself - which will build its accuracy in the future.

    China gets their oil from Libya. Why isn't China involved? They're going out spending billions of dollars a day on trying to take over the world economically. And we're spending billions and billions and billions of dollars on policing the world. Why isn't China involved with Libya? That - we don't get oil from Libya, China does.

    Violent crime rates fell steadily from 1993 to 2002, and this nearly coincides with the establishment of the community policing program known as the COPS program under the Clinton administration.

    It's not just the number of officers, it's what the reduction in officers has done, ... It has compromised the ability of the police department to do modern, effective relationship-based policing.

    Well, what did we buy? Instead of a leaner, smarter government, we bought a bureaucracy that now tells us which light bulbs to buy, and which will put 16,500 IRS agents in charge of policing President Obama's health care bill.

    They have conducted interviews, they're hoping to recreate the battle, and that's because they want to apply regular policing standards to this. Of course they face the challenge that this area is still under threat of attack, so it is very difficult for them and we're not expecting any firm answers on this for probably a few weeks.

    They're not just talking about a revival of the old agreement but they're adding on policing and justice and ministries. This is the key sticking point.

    Community-based policing has now come to mean everything. It's a slogan. It has come to mean so many different things that people who endorse it, such as the Congress of the United States, do not know what they are talking about.

    In the 1990s, we introduced Boston's community policing strategy. We reversed the tide of violent crime that threatened our city, and we established a national model for preventing and fighting crime.

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