Quotes about pollsters (16 Quotes)

    They are going to need to get higher in the polls than ninth or 10th, however that happens. Either teams ahead of them need to lose, or the pollsters would need to help them out.

    Every ten years, the Census Bureau force a large number of Americans to complete an expensive 'long form,' which was never mentioned in the Constitution. Not only do the Census probers ask name and address, but sex, race, income, property, household furnishings, and dozens of other irrelevant and impertinent questions. For those who refuse to answer, the Census people unlike such pollsters as Roper or Gallup threaten federal prosecution. Head counting is part of the Constitution, but this invasion of privacy is not.

    The Democratic convention on the whole was very well packaged to sell a product. But in this day and age -- with all of the pollsters, researchers and media professionals -- they know how to present a candidate.

    The polls have not been complimentary for months. We need to work hard to bring out the voters to make the pollsters eat their polls - and praying at the Wall could not hurt either.

    The president's pollsters are telling him that high energy prices and his drill-only energy policy are driving his job approval numbers down. So he's decided to go out and tell Americans what the polls tell him they want to hear. It's just the same old oil guy doing photo ops at solar plants.

    Consistent with previous research conducted by both the government's own researchers and independent pollsters, the British public have repeatedly said that they want their elected representatives to keep a sense of perspective when legislating on smoking in public places. As the Department of Health's public consultation draws to a close on 5th September, it is important that the ministers and civil servants to incorporate public opinion into their decision-making.

    I would love for them to be the first, but I'm for anybody. If you play a good schedule, as determined both by the opinion pollsters and the computer polls, and you go undefeated, you should have a chance to play at the highest level.

    Votes are like trees, if you are trying to build a forest. If you have more trees than you have forests, then at that point the pollsters will probably say you will win.

    The level of criticism is fairly warranted. So you either do it the right way, which involves a playoff, or you go back to where there was no pretense that there was somebody matched together playing for the national championship. You just played the bowls, and the pollsters ranked 'em however they wanted and we lived with the controversy.

    The pollsters tell me it's because of Kyle that we're picked so high. And he's definitely a huge part of that. But we have a strong group this year. One person can't do it all. It certainly helps to have him back, but he knows that baseball is a team sport. And he's on a great team.

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