Quotes about pontiff (5 Quotes)

    Gorbachev, who once said the collapse of the Iron Curtain would have been impossible without the pope, said the pontiff condemned communism during the two's first meeting in 1989, shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall. We had a really interesting, albeit perhaps too emotional conversation, ... He told me he ... was very, very critical of communism.

    The pope has long promised to lead the church in coming to terms with some of its sins on the occasion of the Jubilee. For him, it's the culmination of many years of work, as a pontiff who lost a lot of his Jewish friends during the horror of the Holocaust and questioned the complicity of his own faith as a result.

    Please receive in the name of the Spanish government and the people of Spain our warmest congratulations for your election as Supreme Pontiff of the Catholic Church and my best wishes for the Papacy which you begin today.

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