Quotes about poop (13 Quotes)

    The world's costliest coffee, at 130 a pound, is called Kopi Luwak. Essentially, it is the droppings from a type of marsupial that eats only the very best coffee beans. Plantation workers track them and scoop their precious poop.

    What I've been telling everyone that loves Carolina football is that we are going to put a team out there that, number one, is in good shape. We're going to be fit, we are going to be able to play the whole game and we're not going to poop out.

    I totally miss all that stuff. Touring in a van, playing small shows those end up being the coolest times. Sure, they were terrible at the time, and we slept on a lot of floors next to a lot of cat poop. But when you think about them, they were what brought everybody together. They were like adventures.

    I was so appalled. They were kind of waiting for Terry to walk out and perhaps take a poop or something, because she's famous herself, and what would I do about the poop And would they make me mad Because the whole point is, they want to make you mad, and then they get a good picture.

    This Desperate Housewives demographic, dominated by pro-growth urbanites or suburbanites, often claims it wants to preserve open space or green space. Sadly, this frequently is a euphemism for rollerblading trails and places where their doggies can poop unencumbered not wild spaces where hunters stalk the creeks and wildlife is truly wild.

    Poop power Yes, it's possible to produce electricity, natural gas and even fuel from Rover's poop and other waste material. There are a lot of bugs to work out, steps to figure out, costs to be considered, but we are beginning to talk to the city about it and look into this area more actively.

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