Quotes about pre-judge (9 Quotes)

    There's a chance that one of the parents will be moving up here with one of the players if everything goes through. I shouldn't pre-judge, but in most instances like this, they face a loss of housing privileges. If that happens, one of the parents will be

    Under such circumstances, it's inappropriate for the council to pre-judge the outcome of the investigation and to threaten to impose sanctions. It does not help.

    The group also launched a 400,000 ad buy on Fox and CNN starting August 31 called Precedent, ... should not answer questions that force him to pre-judge cases.

    I don't care what you play, where you're from, who you produce. It depends on what you're doing when you're with me. That's what counts. I don't pre-judge anything or anybody.

    Listen to people and treat people as you find them. There's an inherent goodness in most people. Don't pre-judge people - that was me Mam's advice anyway.

    Refugees, Jerusalem, borders, Jewish settlements and water are issues reserved to the final-status talks between the two sides and nothing should pre-empt or pre-judge the outcome of the final status talks before they begin.

    But thorough as it may appear on television, is this week's confirmation hearing just another dose of American political theatre Certainly, the potential chief justice hasn't been shy about ducking and dodging, refusing to comment on or pre-judge any issue that could come before the court. For example, in response to Sen. Kennedy's charge that his views on civil rights legislation were narrow and cramped and perhaps even mean spirited, ... I don't want to express any conclusions on hypothetical questions, whether as applied in a particular case, where there would be a challenge ... Those cases come up all the time and I do need to avoid expressing an opinion on those issues.

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