Quotes about precipitous (16 Quotes)

    The (Immigration and Naturalization Service) has never looked at the health and psychological care issues of this child. It is high time that they did so before they commit themselves to some precipitous action which could have (irreversible) consequences.

    Wireless high-speed data is their one shot to stem the precipitous decline in voice (average revenue per user), which they need to make up with really compelling features.

    Secretary of State Colin Powell himself eloquently pointed out the many ways to get at the root of this problem-economic, diplomatic, legal and political, as well as military. A rush to launch precipitous military counterattacks runs too great a risk that more innocent men, women, children will be killed. I could not vote for a resolution that I believe could lead to such an outcome.

    The Chief Justice battled thyroid cancer since being diagnosed last October and continued to perform his duties on the court until a precipitous decline in his health the last couple of days.

    We have just one request, ... Our creditors and the international community should not take precipitous action whose effect is to negate the turnaround efforts currently under way.

    Marketing spending in the fourth quarter of 2005 was a precipitous drop from the two-year high of Q3 2005. Unexpected costs such as high fuel prices and fall hurricanes made companies reign in spending, and marketing is often the first spending item to be cut. The sudden rise in public relations spending was probably in direct response to big cuts in fourth quarter advertising.

    Everything there is to say has been saidand well saidabout the tidal wave that is mingling the irreversible globalization of human activity with ever-faster scientific and technical progress. This worldwide process raises two crucial questions How can people, and in the first place governments, maintain the necessary control over these changes And, how can our societies keep pace with the precipitous course of change without damage to themselves Every political leader is obliged to act to keep the pace and scale of this process under control, so that our peoples may reap its full benefits.

    We call upon the INS to take no precipitous actions between now and the time this appeal is heard because we think it is so clear that the rights of child have to be heard without further disruption, without further dislocation, without further trauma of any sort.

    Dollar depreciation is good assuming it is taking place in an orderly manner. The concern is any precipitous plunge. If that were to happen the Fed would have to raise rates significantly.

    We Americans are world leaders and we must lead by example - particularly in times that require careful deliberation before any precipitous action - lest we fail to walk in the shoes of those we might injure.

    For companies to pull out would be precipitous. Companies have costs invested in the country and they will be cautious to pull up the stakes and lose them.

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