Quotes about precipitously (14 Quotes)

    During the first four years of justices' tenure, their voting behavior correlates at a rather high level with their appointing president's ideology, but for justices with ten or more years of service, that relationship drops precipitously,

    The system was stressed yesterday, so things were not as smooth as we had hoped, but it was only the first day. The complaints we are hearing today have fallen precipitously.

    The pink slip is precipitously delivered. It's not as if the worker caused the job loss, nor is it that they even wanted to shift gears or that they were tired,

    Why did Sen. Frist suddenly decide to sell the stock in June after holding the stock for so long Also, did the Senator order the sale based on insider knowledge that the value of the stock was about to decline precipitously

    We previously assumed Whole Foods' growth rate would trend down precipitously after five years because we believed the company, similar to many high-growth companies, couldn't sustain its rapid growth. We think we are being overly conservative with that assumption.

    Most of Iraq's leaders recognize that if the US were to pull out precipitously, things could get much worse. All the talk about the US getting out, an exit strategy and so forth, has them worried. It's having an impact.

    In life and business, there are two cardinal sins, ... The first is to act precipitously without thought, and the second is to not act at all. Unfortunately the board of directors and top management of Times Warner already committed the first sin by merging with AOL, and we believe they are currently in the process of committing the second now is not a time to move slowly and suffer the paralysis of inaction.

    In this age of electronic money, investors are no longer seduced by a financial 'dance of a thousand veils.' Only hard and accurate information on reserves, current accounts, and monetary and fiscal conditions will keep capital from fleeing precipitously at the first sign of trouble.

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