Quotes about precluded (12 Quotes)

    A celebrity has just as much right to speak out as people who hold real jobs. This is America, after all, and you should not be precluded from voicing your opinions just because you sing songs, mouth other peoples' words on a sitcom or, for that matter, spin a giant multi-colored wheel on a game show.

    If a situation were to arise where material nonpublic information was provided to a bank during the course of a discussion with a potential client, then clearly the bank would be precluded from using the information for its own or anybody else's benefit.

    Microsoft succeeded in drawing the judge's attention to, at minimum, diminishing any remedies prescribed at the end of the case, ... They've also put doubt in his mind that Netscape has been precluded from getting its products to its customers.

    Secretary Rice has implemented a subtle but important shift in U.S. policy. There is no question that the lack of flexibility for the negotiators precluded any possibility of getting a deal for the past three years. Clearly, we are now in a period of give-and-take and genuine negotiations.

    We are by law required to provide certain public facilities. Water and sewer facilities require large tracts of land, and if we are precluded from obtaining large tracts of land, how are we going to be able to do that

    People were concerned about national security, and that precluded us from having the opportunity to break through on the issues that we cared most about - the economy, education and health care.

    When I was a kid, we said that we were precluded from going to certain neighborhoods because of the color of our skin Now the neighborhoods are the neighborhoods of ideas, youre not supposed to be there because of the color of your skin.

    The Legislature of Lower Canada, consisting chiefly of Roman Catholics, could hardly be expected to support a church which they were taught to consider heretical, and in Upper Canada the scanty means at the disposal of the Government, precluded all hope.

    It's premature to say whether there will be grounds for possible breach of contract. We have not precluded any new civil action on behalf of our clients if the facts warrant it.

    Ultimately, he had a groin injury that precluded him from working out. If you don't work for 17 days, you don't have a chance to show your stuff. But his past difficulties have prepared him for times like these. He takes it with a grain of salt and believes he will rise from ashes again.

    In my judgment a bankruptcy certainly is not precluded from being an ultimate scenario. However, I don't see it on the more immediate horizon. If you are a company of this magnitude ... to a certain degree the banks feel it is in their interest give you more rope and keep you going in the hope and expectation that you'll turn it around. I think that's probably what's going to happen here.

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