Quotes about preferential (16 Quotes)

    The decision was based on the principle that the American Bar Association should not receive a preferential role over all other interested parties. We welcome their input and they will continue to have an important role in the process.

    I want to assure the public and those who follow the criminal justice system that Mr. Sutton is not receiving any special or preferential treatment whatsoever.

    With the passage of this resolution in the Senate, the entire U. S. Congress has made clear that the Russian government must significantly step up the fight against piracy as a condition for both its acceptance into the WTO and for receiving preferential trade benefits from the United States.

    If a country chooses not to ratify Cafta and open its markets to U. S. goods and services, it should not automatically assume that Congress would continue to provide it preferential one-way access into the U. S. market.

    This is not about any one individual. It's about making sure that, whether it's a mayor or judge or legislator or constitutional officer, preferential treatment should never enter the realm of law enforcement.

    The thing that is fearful for the people in this country is that generally when you have a serial killer there is a preferential group of people that they look for. The problem with a spree killer like this, he will kill anyone who comes across his path.

    Since the tax reform in 1994, China has applied two tax systems to foreign and domestic companies. Although both systems stipulate a tax rate of 33 percent, foreign companies could pay much less tax than domestic ones because of more preferential treatment.

    Now tequila may be the favoured beverage of outlaws but that doesn't mean it gives them preferential treatment. In fact, tequila probably has betrayed as many outlaws as has the central nervous system and dissatisfied wives. Tequila, scorpion honey, harsh

    The overseas-funded firms who have entered Chinese market will be permitted to enjoy preferential policies that they had been enjoyed before we adopt the new taxation systems,

    However, you could argue that Kerry and all of the top-tier Democratic candidates want to repeal the preferential rate on dividends that was introduced last year and that the prospect of that rate rising might make Wall Street anxious.

    It would be ideal to end the free trade negotiations in the round that will begin on February 22 because on December 31 the Andean preferential trade law ends, but our interest is to sign an agreement that is mutually satisfactory and we will not hurry.

    Preferential affirmative action patronizes American blacks, women, and others by presuming that they cannot succeed on their own. Preferential affirmative action does not advance civil rights in this country.

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