Quotes about pregame (9 Quotes)

    I'm going to try to go through the same pregame workout as far as taking fly balls, ground balls, and I'm going to take BP, ... Hopefully, everything goes good (today), and I'll be available Tuesday.

    I asked Bud Koper after the game why he didn't show up to eat and he told me he wasn't hungry. If I had a rule that said you couldn't start or couldn't play if you missed the pregame meal, then we would have lost the game Koper scored 44 points in a victory. Sometimes it's better not to have that many rules.

    And the pregame assessments of Karney and tight end Ernie Conwell rang true. I know everybody was pouring their hearts into everything they did today, ... That's what has been missing from the Saints playing with emotion, playing with heart, not getting down when something bad happens.

    When he came out of the tunnel in the pregame warm-ups, the response was unbelievable. I had been in the National Football League for 18 years at that time, and I had never seen anybody get booed that loudly in pregame warm-ups. It just didn't stop. It was the worst thing I had ever seen, the dangdest thing I've ever seen.

    Tiger Stadium is another level. Our fans are great. Our fans are very supportive, but down there they're wild. They get up for football regardless of who they're playing, regardless of what time it is, but especially at night. They stay up all day to prepare for kickoff. They're probably the loudest. They're probably as loud in pregame as they're going to be in the fourth quarter. They just love their football down there.

    (News Corp. executive) Peter Chernin asked me why don't we think about a postgame show the same way we think about a pregame show, ... That's not a bad thought.

    I've never seen anything like it. I had no idea it could be that bad. I wasn't sure why he didn't want to play in Baltimore, but the people took it personally. I've never seen a player get booed non-stop in pregame warmups. It was brutal.

    I almost went to the wrong sideline because I'm used to going the other way so many times. It's great coming out here and seeing a green and white uniform on me on the big screen in the pregame.

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