Quotes about pregnancy (11 Quotes)

    Baby boomers, who are starting to turn 60 this year, are probably well aware of the financial challenges that lay ahead but few may realize what they will experience emotionally. We have discovered that retirement is a complex process made up of distinct emotional stages, similar to other life transitions, such as pregnancy or grieving and loss.

    It is crucial to recognize that abortion is a symptom, not a disease. It is a very nasty symptom, it is a horrific thing -- but it isn't the disease. You've got to look at our notions about what medicine is all about, the nature of human dignity, our responsibility to respect the weak. Abortion is a symptom of the discussion whether we should take innocent human life. Historically, we've always said no. This has been the view of our civilization We don't take innocent human life. There've been some ambiguities there about early pregnancy and so on -- was it already life or not But that isn't the point. When life is there, you don't deliberately take it.

    History has shown us that when women are denied access to abortion they may resort to desperate measures. The women of Mississippi would be better served if the legislature would focus on commonsense solutions aimed at reducing unintended pregnancy such as funding medically accurate sex education and ensuring access to birth control, including emergency contraception.

    Women were being denied access to a product that could reduce unintended pregnancy and the need for abortion and it was being blocked for reasons that were not credible or understandable by me,

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