Quotes about premeditated (16 Quotes)

    There was no use of the proper instruments of so-called riot control, ... This was premeditated murder of people shot by snipers. That escalates the situation to a very dangerous situation.

    I am perfectly aware that HP has never guaranteed absolute tenure status to its employees but I also know that Bill and Dave never developed a premeditated business strategy that treated HP employees as expendable,

    This was premeditated, ... It's part of what we're calling multiplatform mania. The idea is to attack viewers from a number of different platforms so we can get behind the talent in a 360-degree way. People get their media and entertainment now from so many different places -- for us, this is a great way to market and build awareness for someone.

    I've been relying very heavily on my instincts as of late, and my songwriting has come to depend on my ability to surrender to the inspiration whenever it strikes. When I clear my mind and let the music take over, my hands seem to move on their own, and my voice utters words I haven't premeditated. This is pure instinct. It's like riding a wave. You just take a deep breath, hop on, and hang on as long as you can. That's basically how I songwrite when I'm composing impromptu pieces. It's a lot like channeling. Or free associating. And it's super fun, because anything can happen It's pure creativity.

    The series is not reactive, not angry, not a debate it's reflective and premeditated. We very deliberately haven't opened any online discussion boards. So many people today listen in attack mode. We want to enforce listening.

    Occasionally you get some luck in pictures. More occasionally you have had luck. If something happens that wasn't premeditated, photograph it.

    Some quarters either on the basis of a suspect premeditated scheme or out of bad faith have used this crime in a despicable manner in order to fan the flames of hostility against Syria and increase accusations against it.

    There was a time when the crime itself determined the sentence. It used to be if someone is convicted of premeditated murder, the state said the punishment was death, ... That is no longer the case.

    This act is a product of a coordinated, premeditated campaign of political retribution, the all-too-predictable result of a vengeful investigation led by a partisan fanatic,

    My gut feeling about sequels is that they should be premeditated: You should try to write a trilogy first or at least sketch out a trilogy if you have any faith in your film.

    I thought we weren't getting the benefit of some calls that we should've gotten. It wasn't premeditated. I tried to get their attention on a couple things, and I didn't get a response. So I let them know about it.

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