Quotes about productively (12 Quotes)

    With our 10g release, we focused on making the Oracle Database easier to install, deploy, and manage as well as easier for developers to use. Oracle SQL Developer offers database developers everything they need to productively tackle their coding and debugging tasks more effectively. Oracle Database customers will benefit in terms of both cost savings and increased developer productivity.

    Our bodies are getting healthier and we're living much longer and the biggest threat now to being able to function well and productively when we're older is in the functioning of the brain,

    When I speak of "cycles," I am referring to lengthy intervals of relative homogeneity, if not in the resolving of problems, than at least with respect to the consistency of their capacity to productively irritate.

    Whatever time that Kenny served, I hope that he's been able to address whatever issues he had with whomever he had, and use the time productively. I am surprised that the arbitrator overruled the commissioner's decision.

    We need to use our time here very productively. We've been at this for four years. It's time to bring the Doha Round to an end. It's time to make the tough decisions.

    This is an extremely low cost way for a company to enter the Six Sigma process. It would not be unusual for a company to pay upwards of 6000 to 8000 for a single Black Belt certification, over four to six months. A certified Green Belt will be able to identify and implement solutions for about 80 of the problems that a Black Belt would be engaged in. This means that for about 35 to 40 of the cost, and about 50 of the time, a company will have a certified Six Sigma Green Belt productively improving processes and significantly contributing to the company's bottom line in 12 weeks

    As we continue to build out our wireless broadband network, we're focusing on developing products and services for today's enterprise customers and mobile professionals. Our relationship with Lenovo is part of our strategic plan to help serve these customers in the way that streamlines the purchasing process and gives them new wireless options to help them work more productively.

    The lack of security awareness among small businesses is a growing concern. With continued focus on education efforts tailored for the small business community, we hope to increase understanding and provide small businesses with the basic tools necessary to run their organizations securely and productively.

    I even believe in helping an employer function more productively. For then, we will have a claim to higher wages, shorter hours, and greater participation in the benefits of running a smooth industrial machine.

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