Quotes about professes (12 Quotes)

    A political party, in order to be viable, is one that professes peace, in my judgment, in order that it will keep the peace.

    Benny Hill's character is this twisted sexual deviant who professes his love for obese women, which I thought was so funny. There was nothing like that in this movie, so I thought it would be fun to play my character as someone who had no social graces, yet was embittered by the fact he was universally refused by women.

    A professor is not one who knows, but one who professes to know, and thus is constantly in the position of inviting challenge.... He professes publicly where everyone is invited to come and challenge, and at any time he must be willing and able to defend it openly against all comers. The degree is originally a chivalric devicea gauntlet of defiance to all rivalsand not a safe rampart or dug-out for a scholar to hide behind in safe immunity from any challenge.

    When the Divine Being is epiphanized to the believer in the form of his faith, this faith is true. He professes this faith in this world. But when the veil is lifted in the other world, the knot (aqd), that is to say, the dogma (aqida) which binds him to his particular faith, is untied dogma gives way to knowledge by direct vision (mushahada). For the man of authentic faith, capable of spiritual vision, this is the beginning of an ascending movement after death.

    His star professes a lifelong interest in the subject matter dating back to Catholic grade school. But when I read the script, ... I thought, 'Oh, my gosh. Well, this isn't nice stigmata like I thought stigmata was going to be -- angel sounds. All pretty.'

    Every servant professes a special belief in his Lord, of whom he asks assistance according to the knowledge he has of himself. Thus the faiths differ with the Lords, just as the Lords differ, although all the faiths are forms of the one faith, just as all the Lords are forms in the mirror of the Lord of Lords....

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