Quotes about profitability (16 Quotes)

    The guidance (for 2010) was very positive for both long term subscriber trends and for profitability implying roughly 19 to 20 million subscribers. This is likely to be significantly above consensus expectations, and confirms our belief in the strong cash generation ability of the satellite radio platform.

    I think you will walk away understanding our confidence in the fourth quarter, ... We are highly confident in our ability to deliver pro forma operating profitability in our fourth quarter.

    We expect all our businesses to have a positive impact on our top and bottom lines. Profitability is very important to us or we wouldn't be in this business.

    The first quarter, while a little shy on the truck side, met our internal overall profitability expectations created in the fall of 2005, and we remain confident in our ability to grow our earnings for the balance of 2006.

    Profitability was driven by an excellent performance from our device businesses. This was backed by growing strength in our product portfolio and our ability to manage costs and execute well.

    I was brought up by a father who was difficult to satisfy because he always felt something could be made or done better. He was never content with success.... It does take eyeball. Im afraid as great as computers are, they cannot tell you about the quality of your product. The profitability, yes, but not the quality. The human eye, the human experience, is the one thing that can make quality better or poorer.

    I am sure there will come a time when we are going to use AMD. The products have been getting better. The acceptance is getting better. But we have not been suffering as a company for either growth or profitability because we haven't had AMD.

    Tangible progress across virtually every aspect of our income statement and balance sheet gives us increased confidence in our ability to execute and to return to profitability.

    Suppliers and especially manufacturers have market power because they have information about a product or a service that the customer does not and cannot have, and does not need if he can trust the brand. This explains the profitability of brands.

    Larry Beck, executive director of the General Nutrition Operators Association (GNOA) thinks the whole thing stinks, too. The value of these free supplier products was much greater than the modest dues asked for joining the association, ... The GNC Corporation has been steadily reducing franchise operators ability to make a living. We simply want to offer some immediate bottom-line help to the franchise operators upon receipt of their membership dues. It is frustrating when GNC Corporation takes actions to directly hinder franchise operators profitability.

    The announced organization will continue our customer focus, improve our ability to execute and position Boeing for sustainable, long-term growth and profitability in a changing market environment.

    And then came the nineties, when management, suddenly frightened that they had ceded control to the players, sought to restore baseball's profitability by 'running the game like a business.'

    The genius of the economic machine is in its ability to convert these indulgences into profitability. It converts desire into attention, a grip on our eyeballs and eardrums, which in turn can be marketed to advertisers.

    These results for the third quarter, traditionally our best, are the strongest results reported by any North American carrier for the period and reflect our ability to now achieve North American industry leading levels of profitability versus low cost carriers as well as legacy carriers,

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