Quotes about progressions (11 Quotes)

    When second or third comes along again, they're going to be more concerned about what the quarterback is going to do in there. Maybe that's less pressure for me to worry about and that gives me more time for my progressions or opens things up for a running back to get a first down.

    They were hard on us, because these were jazz guys, ... Earl Van Dyke and Joe Hunter were always on our backs. I'd show them different chord progressions, and they'd say, 'What kind of playing are you doing, man That's not a C chord.' I'd say, 'Yes, that is a C chord ...when we started getting hits, then they stopped bugging us.

    Unsure of himself as a rookie starter, Harrington seems far more relaxed this year and is helped by the similarities in his former and current coaches' West Coast sets. Though he was sacked only eight times in 12 starts last year, Harrington struggled with his progressions, often throwing the ball away before even looking for his third option. He had a paltry .501 completion percentage. At this time last year my head was swimming, ... There were times I had no idea what the play I was calling needed. It's hard to be accurate when you don't know where you're throwing. I feel better now, especially with the guys I have around me.

    They did a great job creating some mismatches and disguising some blitzes to get guys free on Peyton. They're going to keep coming until they get a guy free. They're not going to give me a lot of time to stand back there and go through progressions and hold the ball.

    Syracuse got pressure into the backfield a lot quicker, so they altered some of the timing I could use to go through my passing progressions. Coach says that, 'If you're going to make a decision, to go ahead and do it.' My God-given ability just takes over and I was able to make some plays.

    He has the ability to slow the game down, and he executes extremely well, ... He has to have a supporting cast, and I'm talking about the offensive line. Quarterbacks like Kurt Warner need good pass protection. He's not going to panic. He's going to hold onto the ball and go through the progressions.

    If we get a single safety look, he knows he's going to look to the weak side and he'll have two reads, ... If it's a double safety look with the middle open, now he's going to look to the strong side and go through his progressions one, two, three.

    There are lots of layers to these characters. Vocally, Handel is at his very finest. You have highly virtuosic coloratura arias that really display both the vocal artistry and the flourish that has become known as characteristic of Handel's writing. In addition to that, there are these beautiful passages, these beautiful arias that are also very legato, long phrases and beautiful (harmonic) progressions that really evoke those deeper levels of emotion that are part of what is being expressed in this story.

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