Quotes about proverbs (6 Quotes)

    Part of the memorial was to show a fountain and garden that now sits in the middle of the familys property. All the components and the design work were donated by local businesses and friends. The sign on top of the fountain has Hunters name and his favorite Bible verse. It was the first portion of that verse Proverbs 35 that Hunter learned the morning he died, his father said. That verse has helped him and his wife get through the past year, he said. (It reads) trust in the Lord with all your heart, ... He was saying that after church that day. To think that my child could minister to me.

    If we have no faith in ourselves and in the kind of future we can create together, we are fit only to follow, not to lead. Let us remember that the Bible contains two proverbs we cannot afford to forget. The first is ' Man does not live by bread alone ' and the second is ' Where there is no vision, the people perish.'

    Submissiveness to God enables us to govern ourselves.... Lacking this capacity we vulnerable, like 'a city which is broken down, and without walls' (Proverbs 2528). We are vulnerable if we can be taken by a wave of emotion, invaded by an invidious impulse, roughed up by resentment, or engulfed by a surge of selfishness.

    Remember since all thy words used to be
    To every suitor, Ay, if my friends agree;
    Since, household charms, thy husband's name to teach,
    Were all the love tricks that thy wit could reach;
    And since, an hour's discourse could scarce have made
    One answer in thee, and that ill arrayed
    In broken proverbs and torn sentences.

    It's not going to get fixed until everybody takes responsibility for it. Like one of those old West Virginia proverbs that I always talk about. A man benefits directly from a mistake, relative to how much it bothers him. I can tell you I didn't sleep very much, so it bothers the hell out of me.

    I like (performing) because people enjoy it. I'm here for what the Lord wants me to do and entertaining and evangelizing is my way of doing it. My life verse, what I love to share, is Proverbs 1722, a merry heart, or laughter, doeth good like a medicine. I believe a lot of us need to laugh and smile, and that would make this world a lot better that what situations we're in.

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