Quotes about prudential (16 Quotes)

    The prudential management approach to risk is where the world is going. Collateral is just simply on the way out as a chief rule, and a chief tool, of regulation. My view is that collateral is just a device to raise costs, and to turn a blind eye to the potential risks of reinsurance failure.

    By my order today, I'm putting the burden on Prudential to show why I should not impose the stiffest of fines or revoke or suspend its license to do business in Florida,

    It's going to change the board from a prudential body and a restraining influence into a bunch of cheerleaders. It will give the board a strong incentive not to look too closely at the numbers. It puts directors on the same side as management.

    It's ridiculous to be sharing information that is sensitive in nature, whether it's financial or medical, by the use of faxes. We want Prudential to realize that their technology is out of date and that they are not paying attention.

    Multi-nationalism is a major business trend. Therefore, global service delivery has become a major focus in the relocation industry. As the intricacies of international mobility continue to increase, it becomes an absolute imperative to work with service providers like Prudential Relocation that are skilled in breaking down the complexities of global assignments.

    It's a tough, tough issue that people could legitimately have different views about. The prudential argument that we should be cautious in this case carries some weight, but in the end the consistency argument is the overriding one. If Massachusetts decides they are going to allow payment of egg donors, and California decides they aren't, then we won't be able to share cell lines derived from one state to another. Whatever policies wind up getting put in place for this kind of an issue, it's really important that everybody be on the same page and have the same policies.

    Prudential is proud to be acknowledged by Working Mother magazinefor being a great place for working moms and for our ongoing worklifestrategy which benefits everyone. We are continually challengingourselves to stay abreast of trends that will positively impact ouremployees both personally and professionally, and help them lead fulland productive lives.

    Prudential's downgrade is extremely rare. In the last five months, despite the market downturn, ratings have been fairly optimistic. This is very rare, especially for a company as big and as popular as J.P. Morgan Chase. It's also a tricky scenario in which J.P. Morgan also covers Prudential.

    We've had the pleasure of being part of the growth of the greater St. Louis and St. Charles counties over the last 20 years. The power of the Prudential name and brand, and the reputation it upholds, is what led us to our affiliation. Along with the brand, we found a wealth of resources in marketing, technology and personnel recruitment, all of which have added immense value to our operations.

    This is not a moral question. This is a prudential question of what workswhat policies are going to put more money in the hands of the government, so it can decide what to do with the money.

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