Quotes about public-private (16 Quotes)

    Public-private partnerships have enabled the U.S. Department of Defense to vastly improve the efficiency of its housing modernization program as well as the quality, management, and maintenance of the homes.

    Without timely and relevant information on quality and cost, we're flying blind. The technology and scale to deliver that information is now in place. With this recognition and selection by AQA, we look forward to joining the public-private partnership and creating an unprecedented resource with value for all Arizonans.

    The Port has the land and we hope the commissioners will see some value, at least in the short run, to the community. The public-private partnership is pretty aggressive and pretty progressive and we're looking at it as truly a partnership with the Port.

    The Energy Star program is one of the most successful public-private partnerships in history. And Sun is calling on all of our industry colleagues to join us in working with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, European Union, and other partners to expand Energy Star to cover all computers, not only on desktops but in data center web servers as well.

    These things don't work unless there's some public-private partnership there. The notion that any of this money is just lining our pockets is just erroneous. They're (the county and city) taking over the land, just the way they do with any other private enterprise. . . . This just happens to be more public because it's private sports.

    This arrest demonstrates the value of public-private collaboration -- the first-class investigative work by the authorities and round-the-clock technical and investigative support provided by our internet crime investigations team here at Microsoft, ... the results (of the arrests) show clearly that cybercriminals will be identified, apprehended, and held accountable for their actions.

    We congratulate the Turkish and Moroccan authorities and the FBI for finding and apprehending the alleged distributors of the Zotob and Rbot (Mytob) worms so quickly. These arrests demonstrate the value of public-private collaboration the first-class investigative work by the authorities and round-the-clock technical and investigative support provided by our Internet Crime Investigations Team here at Microsoft.

    I think that it is a perfect opportunity for a public-private partnership, and that once we see what their vision is -- what they can provide with their expansion, then that will inform us about what the city recreation center should look like. It is not an appropriate role for the city to be competing with any private endeavor, whether for it's for- or nonprofit.

    We haven't made any decisions for tolling or not tolling or doing public-private partnerships. But we have an obligation to taxpayers to study any means we have for addressing the transportation needs we have in Utah.

    The governor has consistently said, in any kind of port expansion, he'd like to see some kind of public-private partnership, but he'll defer the nature of that partnership to the State Ports Authority.

    I think it's a great example of a public-private partnership. I really wish the government entities in the past would have scrutinized other tax abatements as much as this.

    We needed a public-private partnership. We needed an employer-led organization, but it was important to have all stakeholders at the table.

    We have a good public-private relationship here in Columbus. We think we could replicate that in New Orleans. We've done work with the government before. We understand the process.

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