Quotes about pucks (16 Quotes)

    They pose a lot of problems but at the same time, we know how to play them. We need to get back to Canadian hockey and just chip pucks in, finish our checks, create our turnovers and get on the attack.

    I believe that this is a team that can play with anyone in the state. We're not afraid to go out there and challenge other teams. Unfortunately, today we fell behind early and that's never good. I think that we were a little off and it showed from the other night. And, quite frankly, the breaks just don't seem to be going our way. The pucks aren't quite finding their way onto sticks when they should and shots are going just wide.

    To have a goalie that you know is proven and is going to do as good a job as anyone in the league doesn't just help keep pucks out of the net, it changes the attitude of the team,

    My first three camps I never had a goal. Sometimes, you get nights where pucks sort of follow you around and everything you shoot goes in the net. I am not complaining. I am proud I had a decent start to the camp and hopefully I am making an impression.

    The power play is one of those things that tends to be a little bit streaky, ... Sometimes everything is going right for you and the pucks just bounce in for you. Other times you making the plays and nothing is going right. You just ride it out and battle whether it is hot or cold.

    We all care about one thing and that's trying to win. I was in the same situation in Philly and there are always enough pucks, guys are playing their roles ... and they're going to be happy with whatever they get.

    There are a lot more shots coming at the net and guys are just shooting it at the net because they have more time and pucks are going in off legs and feet and shoulders and heads, so you might have to play out a little further on the shot and hope it hits you.

    It's hard when all your life you're used to a big pocket and all of a sudden, it's half the size. With the new regulations, you obviously have to concentrate on getting those pucks into your pocket. But the glove is now smaller and lighter and it means you can make some saves that you never could before. I try to freeze a lot of pucks on to my body.

    You have to give them credit for their ability to check and they knocked us off the puck and they turned over a lot of pucks. But at the same time we were turning the pucks over and it just seems like we never settled into our game even from the outset we didn't settle into out game. But I think you give them credit for giving us a little bit of a lesson.

    Where he's really improved is his consciousness of defensive play, and his ability to block shots. He's getting pucks out of our zone. He gets pucks in deep. His consciousness of playing team defense has improved dramatically.

    Now we're really seeing even the byproduct of the style that he's comfortable with and the confidence that comes from winning, ... We're achieving the success as a team that comes from 23 guys paying attention to team defense. We're not taking anything from what Brian has remarkably been able to accomplish, because it's extraordinarily hard to get a shutout, period, let alone to think of four in a row. But it really is an entire roster sacrificing anything and everything needed to get in front of pucks or deflect pucks or controlling positions defensively to be aware of taking away scoring opportunities.

    It's good that the puck's finally going in. We just need to be hockey players, plain and simple. We can't be afraid to make mistakes and you can't be afraid to play the game. You've got to play for fun.

    We usually start out hard and playing our game, but today we came out flat I don't know what it was. We were getting beat to pucks, we weren't playing the body enough and we didn't work hard.

    Since I came back from Christmas, the puck's been going in for me. I just wanted to come back and have a good second half to the season. I'm getting the chances. I've always played the penalty kill and short-handed opportunities really come down to just hard work and skating. You're down a man so you have to work harder.

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