Quotes about pure-play (10 Quotes)

    Management makes a very impressive presentation of taking this company and building what is arguably the last pure-play franchise in the filmed entertainment business. Certainly the chairman of the firm has a history of turning companies around, and there's no reason to think he won't do that here too.

    This 'pure-play' company will be well positioned for continued growth. We have long believed the value of these scarce assets was not fully reflected in Cablevision's stock price, and will be more readily recognized in a stand-alone company.

    Today, to compete anywhere, you have to be everywhere. Wal-Mart and Target have joined Amazon and eBay as the most heavily trafficked e-commerce Web sites, and chain retailers account for about 40 of online sales, compared to just over 25 for pure-play Internet retailers.

    Consolidation has a long way to go in Napa Valley. They can triple their revenue over the next three years. The stock is not cheap but it's for someone looking for a pure-play Napa Valley wine company.

    The management and board of directors of Interchange believe that the launch of the Local.com has been a success, with considerable gains in traffic, market share and revenue achieved thus far. Two primary goals are to become number one in local search and to achieve profitability. We believe that becoming a pure-play local-search business will enable us to focus all of our human, technical, and financial resources on local search. We further believe that shareholder value will be created to the extent that we achieve our objectives in local search.

    The majority of today's pure-play Internet companies will never make money and will not exist in three-to-five years. There will be a lot of consolidation and a lot of failure, and ultimately valuations will fall more in line with historical norms.

    Unlike traditional application integration vendors and the pure-play BI players, Information Builders has a history of offering an integrated approach to business intelligence and is the only vendor to take an incremental approach to integration. As more and more enterprises are faced with linking critical business applications such as BI, CRM and ERP, the ability to leverage these existing investments will make for more effective application output fit for business use.

    A lot of pure-play VARs fall into the chaotic or reactive category. We take a business snapshot of what skill sets they have and what their customers look like, to see what they need to do to get up to speed. It's a pretty sophisticated process, so we do assessments of potential partners to see what it would take to get them into selling managed services, and we've had people who didn't sign with us because they realized it's not in the cards for them right now.

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