Quotes about qualcomms (9 Quotes)

    It's been a political football since its inception in 1995 when the first trial CDMA networks were put into place, ... There have been a lot of delays with restructuring and politics. Look at Qualcomm's stock price -- it's a yo-yo of U.S.-China relationships.

    In the near-term, Qualcomm's earnings outlook has been diminished due to recent events in China and Korea. For the June quarter, we are currently forecasting 16 percent pro forma revenue growth to 750 million and 26 percent pro forma EPS growth to 27 cents. Based on the company's press release, our EPS estimate looks to be too high.

    And number three, we think that a number of carriers around the world using an alternative technology known as TDMA or GSM, instead of migrating down a path using a technology called Edge -- which does not involve Qualcomm -- will decide to overlay Qualcomm's CDMA 2001X technology,

    It is ironic that these companies claim that Qualcomm's behavior has harmful effects on the mobile telecommunications sector when the facts are completely contrary.

    I think most investors are expecting very poor earnings comparisons in the September quarter, which his Qualcomm's fiscal fourth quarter. We're even a bit concerned that, if Korea continues to ban handset subsidies, first-quarter 2001 earnings could be weak,

    Qualcomm's strength was in selling chipsets into its own technology, ... Inasmuch as China does not, on a dominant scale, deploy Qualcomm's technology, the prospects for their chip business are changed.

    Over time, all handheld computing products will become wirelessly enabled, and Qualcomm's CDMA technology provides a great path for enabling these solutions,

    With any legal action in the E. U. likely to take place over an extended period, we do not foresee a substantial disruption to Qualcomm's operations over the next 12 to 18 months.

    The earnings are pretty good, but people are worried about the company's guidance. There's a big difference between Qualcomm's and some other companies' views of how many W-CDMA handsets will be sold in 2006. Companies like Motorola Inc., Texas Instruments Inc. and RF Micro Devices Inc. estimate that 100 million W-CDMA handsets will be sold. But Qualcomm says only 86 million will be sold-that's a spread of 14 million units.

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