Quotes about qualifier (14 Quotes)

    The big qualifier on that is that a lot of the price action we've seen in equity markets and earnings expectations are due to that energy price move and higher profit expectations among oil gas firms.

    I credit the USGA for doing the right thing. This is the first time they have gone to a 36-hole qualifier and there are going to be glitches and learning curves along the way and this is one of them.

    In past years, the NCAA Qualifier alone determined team NCAA ranking and invitations to the NCAA Championships. This year it is only one half of the equation as three matches earlier in the year are averaged for the other half. However, for individuals, the qualifier is it. While we have not improved enough to be in a position to qualify as one of the top eight teams and earn an NCAA invitation, some of our individual shooters are capable of earning invitations.

    It's a matter of being at the right place at the right time and having the right conversation. There were a number of Big 12 teams that were in the mix there. Ontario was a late qualifier, academically. And we stood by him. Four days prior to our Indiana game he had not been certified by the NCAA, so sometimes you have to hang in there with a young man and build that trust, and we built that trust with him, and he rewarded us with some great play here and ultimately signing with us.

    It's a good possibility that the emotional rollercoaster ride of winning the sectionals and then losing to Aquinas (in a state qualifier Tuesday) to bring us to this point, maybe the guys were a little lackadaisical and not paying attention to what they were doing. We needed that first period to wake up.

    These races were about four times bigger than a normal junior Olympic qualifier. The competition was much higher than our typical races, with between 60 and 90 competitors in each age division.

    Seeding doesn't count for much once you are out there on court ... Playing a qualifier in the first round is never easy as she has the confidence of already having won three matches in the qualifying draw and is well acquainted with the playing conditions.

    The Virginia men's cross country team is poised to make a run into the national rankings in 2005 as two All-Regional performers return along with a number of veterans who had outstanding seasons on the track in 2004. Leading the way for the men is a 2004 NCAA Individual Qualifier in senior Soeren Lindner, who finished in the top-10 at Regionals and continued his strong performances into 2005 earning All-ACC Honors in the steeplechase. Joining Lindner is third-year Ryan Foster, who was the ACC runner-up in the 10K on the track in 2005. I expect Soeren and Ryan to be front-runners for us in 2005, ... Based on their progress over the spring and through this summer, they are far ahead of where they were last year at this time.

    If you believe he is a great player and very good person and a hard worker and he is only 20 points away on the SAT and not a qualifier on signing day ... if you don't sign him, you probably will have someone else who will. And he'll play against you.

    I think people understand that these are training matches and that in the USA we fielded a domestic league team. It is in the autumn European qualifier that people will judge me.

    I was really happy with what the divers did all year long. The diving competition was more of a relaxed atmosphere, which allowed the divers to let it all out and not be worried. Michael Bennett became our sixth and final NCAA zone qualifier. So all of our divers qualified for the NCAA zone meet. I did not expect that to happen, but I think that it is great that it did.

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