Quotes about raindrops (8 Quotes)

    What is sad for women of my generation is that they weren't supposed to work if they had families. What were they going to do when the children are grown - watch the raindrops coming down the window pane?

    The indium arsenide self-organizes into the dots, like raindrops on a car bonnet. We found that the key was producing the dots with a high degree of symmetry, and the physics of the materials does that for us.

    I think if you look at any facet of nature in enough detail, you find it fascinating. How could you not The universe is so full of marvels. Here's an example -- rain, the shape of rain. I was minding my own business, working on my book, looking out the window, and it was raining and I was noticing that the raindrops were falling in that classic round-looking way, and I thought, 'I wonder if raindrops really are round' So I started researching it a little, and I discovered that raindrops change shape 300 times a second.

    The fire of hatred that was burning in them was cooled and darkness gave place to the dawn of wisdom. The sky showered raindrops to soften the earth and lay down dust. How can the lament operate against the Divine Will

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