Quotes about rancid (5 Quotes)

    NARAL lost all credibility when it ran an advertisement earlier in the month that will go down in the history of political advertisements as one of the most rancid and dishonest ads ever run. Sadly, this ad continues this pattern of distortion.

    It is our hope that once Tyrone dons the costume, he will realize that even non-Christians are not offended. And we urge him to read and digest a copy of the First Amendment, preferably while munching on some rancid carrots.

    The best part was being able to watch Pennywise and Rancid every day, and to have lunch with the bass player for Blessed Union of Souls. Everybody eats together they don't treat anybody like a headliner or an opener. Everybody is just there to play. It's a great community.

    Gentle Reader, The Word will leap on you with leopard man iron claws, it will cut off fingers and toes like an opportunity land crab, it will coil round your thighs like a bushmaster and inject a shot glass of rancid ectoplasm.

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