Quotes about randle (14 Quotes)

    Well, that was one of those things where I was looking left the whole way and we had three receivers over there, ... I tried to fake to Antwaan (Randle El) right away and didn't feel confident and didn't want to force it, so I saw the opportunity to go to my right, and went right, and that's when the receiver takes over.

    We talked about it all week. We knew Randle El is an ex-quarterback. We knew Ward is an ex-quarterback. We already knew they had a lot of trick plays up their sleeves, so we had to be aware of it. On that play right there it just got one on us. They got a couple of big plays on us, and sometimes that's all it takes.

    We talked about it the past two weeks. We knew that Randle El is an ex-quarterback, so we already knew they had a lot of trick plays up their sleeves. But they just got us on that one.

    We could go small and play James at the five and Warren Carter or Brian Randle at the four. There's all kinds of combinations. We might try something and it might not work and we'll have to go to another idea.

    He's not a cookie-cutter receiver. He's a little different, and that's one thing I admire about what Pittsburgh has done. They've taken a Randle El and a Hines Ward and have known what to do with those guys. They've been creative.

    We could sign a couple of players (to replace the versatile Randle El) or address things in the draft. We've taken care of some of the players we wanted to take care of and we'll step back and see how things progress here with free agency.

    Randle El is that kind of guy. He poses a lot of those same kind of problems. (But) this team reacts well to adversity ... This special teams unit will get better.

    And he did his homework on me, too. He talked to John Randle and Henry Thomas. He talked to Saints defensive end Joe Johnson , who I've worked with. He found out things about me and what I'm like to play for. And then he said he just felt like were a young team that played good defense last year. He felt like we were a team on the rise.

    Our formula tonight was to play inside and outside and have McGee affect their shots and Randle scoring from the inside. Because of our big lead, I got to give my bench a lot of playing time.

    We know in this business it's hard to bring everybody back. They (potential lost free agents, including Randle El) will be hard people to replace but that happens every year.

    Parker had the game of his life, to his credit obviously. We put Brian (Randle) on Parker and James (Augustine) on Claxton. Every time we made some adjustment, they adjusted.

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