Quotes about re-elected (16 Quotes)

    Bill and Hillary Clinton have one central idea in their uncluttered, ambitious minds: Hillary in 2008. Let Bush get re-elected, use the '04 primaries and general election to clean out the underbrush of competing Democratic candidates, and proceed unimpeded to the '08 nomination.

    But the novelty appears to have worn off. His approval rating dropped by nearly half this year to 34 percent in the latest Public Policy Institute of California poll, taken in August. A Field Poll this month found that only 36 percent of voters would like to see Mr. Schwarzenegger re-elected. The invincible Teflon-coated superhero turns out not to be able to repeal the law of gravity, ... Once your poll numbers fall below 40 percent, you are fair game for anyone. Gary Coleman probably thinks he could beat him now.

    Incumbents are re-elected the vast majority of the time, so a challenger like Freddy needs an overwhelming emotion argument in his ads and on the street for why the mayor should be fired. Freddy never went negative, but he had nothing to go positive with, either.

    We're hoping to get his attention because he's on the wrong path to get re-elected. Conservatives are going to sit on their hands come November if he doesn't get on the right track.

    We think its very ironic this is happening under an administration that was re-elected because of its values. The larger challenge for the vast majority of (public employees) is How can they do their jobs faithfully, and survive.

    My belief is the majority of people in politics are just interested in pursuing this career in politics, and doing what's necessary to get themselves re-elected. And if that happens to coincide with the public good, great. But if it doesn't, the public good loses out.

    If Ralph Nader runs, President Bush is going to be re-elected, and if Ralph Nader doesn't run, President Bush is going to be re-elected. We're going to run on the president's strong and principled leadership and his positive agenda for a second term.

    I think these movies are as much for people of that time as for people who weren't born. For people who weren't born, they see how leaders must act under a crisis situation, not trying to be re-elected or not trying to check polls, that they go from their gut check.

    I was a rebellious kid, and my father was a politician, ... Over the course of my fourteenth year, my Mormon Boy Scout troop turned into a motorcycle gang. We all bought little Honda motorcycles. We thought we were a lot worse than we probably were, but the locals thought we were bad enough. My father was told that if he ever wanted to get re-elected anything, he was going to have to get me the hell out of sight. So he sent me off to prep school, and there I met the guy Bob Weir who was going to become the rhythm guitar player for the Grateful Dead, and he and I have been one another's official best friend ever since.

    I'm a third-generation born San Franciscan, and I'm appalled that you have not only been elected but re-elected by your misguided ultra liberal so-called citizens.

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