Quotes about re-enroll (3 Quotes)

    USDA will re-enroll acres that have contracts expiring through 2010, including 16 million acres set to expire in 2007. Re-enrollment contracts will be offered for acres that provide the highest level of environmental benefit, ... The vast majority of contracts that are not re-enrolled will be offered extensions.

    Approximately 16 million acres subject to CRP contracts expire in 2007. Fulfilling President Bush's directive to allow eligible farmers and ranchers to re-enroll or extend their CRP contracts helps ensure that the quality of soil, water, air and wildlife benefits of CRP continue across the nation for years to come.

    Zeeks.com had to redesign its membership system and re-enroll all its members age 12 and younger. The site had to prevent these users from participating in the e-mail, chat or prize sections until parental permission was received. It had to set up a system for receiving parental permission via phone, fax or postal mail, as well as a database to store permission information. Maintenance systems were changed to purge e-mail and log files on a more frequent basis. The e-commerce section was disabled. The kids are not happy about all these changes, ... They're giving us a terrible time.

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