Quotes about re-establish (16 Quotes)

    Villanova fans have seen a lot of great classes. For our staff, this class is going to always be special to us, no matter what they do this year. They really helped us establish what we wanted to do here re-establish the tradition here at Villanova.

    My proposal to re-establish diplomatic relations - not necessarily friendly relations, but diplomatic relations - is a sensible, simple, and straightforward approach that will finally get us off dead center.

    There is an uphill battle now for the Food and Drug Administration to re-establish itself as the real referee between the safety of the public and the profitability of the drug companies,

    To use this opportunity to re-establish some of his conservative credentials makes a lot of sense. Whether voters elsewhere are going to be paying a whole lot of attention is another question.

    Our partnership with NASN represents a significant step by the league to re-establish its relationship with its existing European-based fans, as well as begin the process of developing new ones.

    We were kind of uncertain about ourselves going in. We had that loss, and now we had to go back and re-establish and do the things we had done before and not let the Benton Harbor game be a negative thing for us. We said let's do a positive thing and go out and play Niles basketball. I thought our kids did just that. We got out of the blocks quick like we needed to. And I thought we controlled the offensive tempo.

    When I hear traditional family values raised, I hear that effort once again to re-establish the man as head and master of his family. Who had the, not only the right, but the obligation to discipline his wife and children to keep them in line?

    Right now, our focus must be on re-establishing contact with our employees, supporting the efforts to re-establish basic services and determining the full extent and scope of the damage both to our business and to our communities,

    We have to distinguish two classes of instincts, one of which, the sexual instincts or Eros, is by far the more conspicuous and accessible to study.... The second class of instincts was not so easy to point to in the end we came to recognize sadism as its representative. On the basis of theoretical considerations, supported by biology, we put forward the hypothesis of a death instinct, the task of which is to lead organic life back into the inanimate state on the other hand, we supposed that Eros ... aims at complicating life and at the same time, of course, at preserving it. Acting in this way, both the instincts ... would be endeavouring to re-establish a state of things that was disturbed by the emergence of life. The emergence of life would thus be the cause of the continuance of life and also at the same time of the striving towards death and life itself would be a conflict and compromise between these two trends.

    We will have a highly charged (Wales) side that will be full of confidence coming to Twickenham. Because of the way they have played over the last year, they've grown some belief. What is important to us is that Twickenham is a fortress, and it is now time to re-establish that. It is important for us to match whatever Wales have got.

    Therefore to re-establish that custom, although by a quibble I could say I've only had one term, I am not a candidate and will not accept the nomination for another term.

    This part of the city is under siege, and we are here to re-establish order that's what we will do. And we're here to support the New Orleans Police Department.

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