Quotes about reassessment (13 Quotes)

    There will be a complete reassessment - what worked, what didn't - because we will have moved an entire population back in. If it all looks good, we'll probably continue as planned, but we just don't know what these reports will show.

    It is clear that the Syrians would like to have a reassessment of the situation. We fully respect them, ... I believe the negotiations will resume in the following weeks. It may take four or six weeks, but I believe they will resume.

    Our job is to be part of the recovery of the economy. We realize that there will have to be a reassessment of the Superdome and issues like rebuilding the levees will take first priority. But it is our hope that major league football remains in New Orleans on both the college and professional level. I don't want to speculate any more beyond this year, except to say that the Sugar Bowl will still be around.

    What's going to happen is that county council and the county executive will be able to blame the judge. I think that's what's going to happen -- they want to blame the judge for reassessment. That's not leadership, that's hiding,

    This is an amazing find. The manuscript was only known from a brief description in a catalogue in 1890 and it has never before been seen or described by Beethoven scholars. Its rediscovery will allow a complete reassessment of this extraordinary music. Sotheby's has been very fortunate in selling a large number of Beethoven manuscripts in recent years, including a previously unknown composition, but this is even more interesting. It is a completely lost autograph of a major work and such a visually exciting and extraordinary manuscript.

    We walked in the door and were hit with the fact that we had to deal with this, along with reassessment and legal expenses in the Shauna Howe murder case. It's not been easy.

    It's time for the administration to do a fundamental reassessment of what it is that we are willing to do in order to stabilize Iraq. The United States needs to draw a line in terms of how deep it is willing to be drawn into Iraqi domestic politics.

    When you have a long road to travel, you don't take too many breaks. You just keep on going, ... We're one or two bad numbers away from reassessment of Fed policy, but we're not there yet. Yes, this number is weak, and yes, it's disappointing, but there are some rays of hope in here.

    Nothing bad is going to happen to us. If we get fired, it's not failure its a midlife vocational reassessment.

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