Quotes about receivable (5 Quotes)

    We realized when we were running the radio station that we could run a company, ... I did the accounts receivable and the billing system -- I use the same system that I learned in Louisa at our bookstore now.

    We advised clients to downgrade the shares because this is a company that has a troubled balance sheet, and the Mexican receivable issues problem adds another layer to the story of a company that is struggling to turn itself around.

    Obviously, we are never going to be satisfied with a losing quarter but quite frankly we remain upbeat. The loss itself was a result of a 270,000 increase in allowance for doubtful accounts receivable and an unrealized hedging loss -- marked -- to market at the end of the quarter. As of August 31, 2005 the majority of this unrealized loss has been reversed out. However, the coffee market continues to remain extremely volatile. Beyond these two one time events, the quarter was overall a positive considering prices declined by over 20 in roughly a 30 day period.

    If the money is coming in the front door at 100 miles per hour, and going out the back door at 110 miles per hour, that's not a good thing. Businesses don't fail because they are unprofitable they fail because they get crushed on the accounts receivable s

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