Quotes about recoveries (15 Quotes)

    Manufacturing job recoveries are most likely in fabricated metals, machinery, transportation equipment and computers and electronics, which together have accounted for half of the manufacturing job losses,

    The information and tips we receive that leads to inmate recoveries is invaluable. It's prohibitive for us to search every probate court record to track down these things down. We don't have the recourses so we rely on information from others. It's not uncommon for an officer of the court to contact us in these situations. But the size of the assets recovered in this case does make it somewhat unusual.

    TCP works very hard to get the data delivered in order without errors and does retransmissions and recoveries and all that kind of stuff which is exactly what you want in a file transfer because so you don't want any errors in your file.

    It's clear that employment growth this time around has been sub-par compared to previous economic recoveries. You need about the number of jobs that we're adding now just to stay even with the number of people entering the economy. It's very possible that we're going to continue to see sub-par growth.

    There are noticeable recoveries. Just in the health care sector, the DRG index is outperforming the overall market, and Pfizer is the largest component. Clearly, there's something favorable happening in that group, but it's not the only one.

    The ... numbers feel surprisingly weak, compared with the recent macroeconomic news flow, ... The survey makes us more comfortable with the view that capital spending growth over the next few quarters will remain relatively moderate by the standards of past recoveries.

    The core is up 0.3 percent over the last year, and so there really is no inflation, ... In the first year of recoveries, consumer price inflation tends to fall as it did in the past 40 years. We believe inflation should not be an issue for the foreseeable future.

    Thus, the questions we should ask here are what makes the current economic upswing different from the past two recoveries, and whether such differences are sufficient for the economy to reach the sustained growth path.

    It's not just for seniors. Lots of people experience pain getting in and out of their vehicles... people with physical challenges, sports injuries, surgery recoveries, chronic conditions, pregnancy...they all like having extra support handle to help get in and out of the car.

    The year 2005 was, by many conventional measures, a positive year for corporate credit quality. Default rates remained low, recoveries on defaulted bonds were well above average, and aggregate credit rating revisions were favorable.

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