Quotes about reefs (16 Quotes)

    At sixty a man has passed most of the reefs and whirlpools. Excepting only death, he has no enemies left to meet.... That man has awakened to a new youth.... Ergo, he is young.

    History has been kinder to Churchill than many of his contemporaries ever were. Some may be surprised to learn that the following luminary from the field of science-fiction had anything political to say at all 'Winston Churchill, the present would-be British Fuehrer, is a person with a range of ideas limited to the adventures and opportunities of British political life. He has never given evidence of thinking extensively, or of any scientific or literary capacity.... His ideology, picked up in the garrison life of India, on the reefs of South Africa, the maternal home and the conversation of wealthy Conservative households, is a pitiful jumble of incoherent nonsense. A boy scout is better equipped. He has served his purpose and it is high time he retired upon his laurels before we forget the debt we owe him....'

    The coral reefs of the Florida Keys are a national treasure. Providing a navigation system that will help prevent vessel groundings is a truly creative and innovative approach to repairing harm to the public's resources,

    Most of the benthic macroalgae were gone, giving reefs in the lower Keys a clean appearance not seen in years. Also missing were many elkhorn corals, sponges and urchins -- broken or swept away by the raw power of a storm surge that bent 18-inch steel I-beams.

    There was a lot of debate whether these jetties should have been built. It might have been better if they'd gone further north. There's a rock reef here about 12 feet below the surface, so there's no way to ever get a real deep channel here. When you have swells of 6 or 8 feet, you don't have enough water for safe passage. A little farther north, there are no rock reefs and they'd probably have had a safer channel.

    Oman overall has great animal and plant biodiversity because it has mountains, desert, coastal areas and rich coral reefs.

    In the tradition of the Pew Fellows, Dr. Richmond's quarter-century of tireless work to preserve the coral reefs of the Pacific has distinguished him as a pioneer of marine conservation, discovering new solutions for protecting and preserving our oceans worldwide.

    You are leaving port under sealed orders and in a troubled period. You cannot know whither you are going or what you are to do. But why not take the Pilot on board who knows the nature of your sealed orders from the outset, and who will shape your entire voyage accordingly He knows the shoals and the sand banks, the rocks and the reefs, He will steer you safely into that celestial harbor where your anchor will be cast for eternity. Let His almighty nail-pierced hands hold the wheel, and you will be safe.

    We have heard reports of people with a lot of money, including sports figures, trying to one up each other by buying exotic fish such as black tip reef sharks. We're concerned that reefs might be wrecked and fish depleted.

    I can't go on to page two until I can get page one as perfect as I can make it, ... That might mean I will rewrite and rewrite page one 20, 30, 50, 100 times. I build a book the way coral reefs are formed, on all these little dead bodies of marine polyps, you know

    As kind of a benchmark, lets say this can be as productive as South Bay, which is a beautiful body of water, ... The bottom is littered in sea grass beds, there are oyster beds, and there are oyster reefs. It has just about every type of organism we have here in the Texas coast. We hope this will eventually be a similar system. The historical accounts that we have indicate it was a system very similar to South Bay with sea grasses and plenty of shrimp and fish.

    Ten percent of the big fish still remain. There are still some blue whales. There are still some krill in Antarctica. There are a few oysters in Chesapeake Bay. Half the coral reefs are still in pretty good shape, a jeweled belt around the middle of the planet. There's still time, but not a lot, to turn things around.

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