Quotes about reinstate (16 Quotes)

    Hark the herald-angels sing, 'Glory to the new-born King Peace on earth, and mercy mild God and sinners reconciled.' Christ, by highest heav'n adored, Christ, the everlasting Lord, Late in time behold Him come, Offspring of a virgin's womb Veiled in flesh the Godhead see Hail th' incarnate Deity Pleased as man with men to 'ppear, Jesus our Immanu'l here. Hail the heav'n-born Prince of peace Hail the Sun of righteousness Light and life to all He brings, Ris'n with healing in His wings. Mild He lays His glory by, Born that man no more may die Born to raise the sons of earth, Born to give them second birth. Come, Desire of nations, come, Fix in us Thy humble home Rise, the woman's conquering Seed Bruise in us the serpent's head. Adam's likeness now efface, Stamp Thine image in its place Second Adam from above, Reinstate us in Thy love. Amen.

    One of the reasons we built a six-month time frame into restricting the imagery is so that all the issues related to this could be vetted. This (the online offerings) was one of the issues we knew about, but we felt there would be appeals. ... Do you take everything off now and then perhaps reinstate it, or do you wait and make the change when the policy becomes effective We felt the best decision was to wait until there was resolution.

    If the court were to hold the Forest Service didn't comply with NEPA and the repeal was unlawful, there would be the question if the proper remedy is to reinstate the old rule and how does that interrelate with the existing rule,

    If Jerry clears himself and we're able to reinstate him, that's great. But our program has moved beyond Jerry Seymour. We're too fragile as a program to hold back and wait for one individual.

    If our option is to sell singles rather than to have them stolen, then we'll sell a track at a time. The important thing is to reinstate the concept that this property deserves compensation.

    That's the basis of the Constitution. The government is for the people, by the people. And once they stop working for us, you can reinstate a new government. New Orleans, 911, the Iraq war that's three strikes as far as I'm concerned. And I think the patriotic thing to do is speak out about these things and start voting for people who will clean up the mess. It's too late if we wake up at 65 and realize there's no Social Security.

    The crime bill passed by the Senate would reinstate the Federal death penalty for certain violent crimes assassinating the President hijacking an airliner and murdering a government poultry inspector.

    We have asked that Ford repudiate its relationship with this extremist group, reinstate its advertising of Jaguar and Land Rover and continue investing in organizations working for equality.

    If he had gone to the board, they could have decided to continue his probation or reinstate the remaining two years on his original sentence for armed robbery.

    I know when it comes to Arizona, (that's) been the history. It hasn't been that way this year, but in our situation a win is a win. It was good to get the blowout win against Oregon State to kind of reinstate the kind of things we can do. But whether we win by 25 or two it's a win. That's the important thing.

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