Quotes about reinstated (14 Quotes)

    We're going to fight this battle and try to get this decision reversed. It wouldn't be in our blood to tuck our tails and not fight back. As far as me not being around here, if I get offered a job that is available now then it would be in my best interest to take what is a sure thing. I would hate to stick around here, fight the good fight and not get reinstated. Then where would I be, unemployed

    The court has reinstated Mr. Rogers as a member of the volunteer fire department until such time as the appropriate procedures are utilized to decide whether he should remain a member of the department, if that is what he wants too.

    We're certain we're going to fight again, whether it is under the court case and my suspension being lifted and reinstated in the U.S. or fighting elsewhere,

    If an elected official is charged with a felony, the governor will suspend them from office, then if they were convicted they would be removed, and if they are acquitted they would be reinstated. But misdemeanors are all handled case-by-case and there is no certain time to have that done.

    I told him since the petition was already in court, he should ask it to be heard. Or he could activate lawyers to file a fresh petition. If parliament had been reinstated, the king couldn't have sacked him and begun direct rule.

    As a company, why would I take the risk I don't think there's a major advertiser that will take the chance, even if he's reinstated, not unless there's a whole lot of other evidence came out that he never did anything wrong.

    It had to be football reasons. I haven't got a clue what went on. Twenty years ago I was a Jack the Lad like everybody else, but since I was ill he suffered a cerebral aneurysm in 2003 I come to work and go home. I went into the meeting after being reinstated determined I was leaving. One or two things happened, and I didn't leave.

    The fact that pay for performance is reinstated demonstrates that council recognizes the quality of staff that we have here. And it shows that they understand the benefits in rewarding and retaining quality service.

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