Quotes about reintroduction (4 Quotes)

    Wolf reintroduction in Yellowstone has been the most popular and most environmentally justified endangered species reintroduction effort. Opposition to wolves in Yellowstone has been extremely mean-spirited. However, once the appeals court has reviewed the law and the reintroduction effort, we are confident that it will permit the wolves to stay. They are the capstone to the Yellowstone ecosystem.

    (The plan) doesn't count toward (wolf) reintroduction in any way, shape or form. The Park Service needs to be able to make decisions based on the ecological health of the land, not the political whims of the day.

    The Government should officially confirm the reintroduction of the 10-year tax holiday for investors starting up viable businesses in Uganda and ensure land availability free of squatters. The Government should immediately transfer ownership of the fresh handling cold facility at Entebbe so that the sector owns it.

    This is incredibly encouraging news, ... That she has crossed into Oregon could mark the beginning of an increased area for wolf recovery. She may not find what she's looking for, and she could easily come right back into Idaho. But developments show that wolf reintroduction is working, and this could be the start of something exciting.

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