Quotes about relearning (5 Quotes)

    That we have had to spend several years relearning these lessons is a measure of the U.S. defense establishment's failure to take counterinsurgency seriously after the American retreat from Vietnam.

    The man whose acquisitions stick is the man who is always achieving and advancing whilst his neighbors, spending most of their time in relearning what they once knew but have forgotten, simply hold their own

    Being back in theater is amazing. I get really excited about it because I've missed that. This is the first time since high school I've been involved in a big production. I've been relearning everything I learned in school. . . . I love it. (Theater) is d

    He's communicating with his doctors and his family, he's relearning how to walk, and generally making better progress than our physicians expected. He's coming back, but it's a slow process.

    She is learning to use her left hand and relearning to use her right hand. Her personality is the same. Her intellect is the same and her smile is the same. The right side of her face is moving a little more, so she is looking like herself.

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