Quotes about replicating (16 Quotes)

    By the end of the decade, Home Depot Supply expects to operate more than 1,500 locations, covering all 50 states, and will be the largest diversified wholesale distribution business in the United States. Our planned acquisition of Hughes Supply is a great example of how we are rapidly replicating in the professional market the same type of transformation that we brought to the home improvement retail market.

    Look at the success of J. Crew or L.L. Bean, ... Catalog companies have to show their items with pictures. J. Crew is a good example of a company that's done a good job of replicating the feel of their catalog online.

    These doors are beautifully deceptive, replicating traditional, swinging barn door styles, but open overhead like any other modern garage door.

    Instead of a setting up another gargantuan bureaucracy and replicating what we do here in Florida, (I'm going) to see if we can't use the tax code to change it to give insurance companies the incentive to reserve for catastrophes,

    We always knew this happened, but the process was like a black box. Now, we know that the matrix protein is involved and is incredibly important in virus reproduction. This pushes forward our knowledge of how this virus is so effective at replicating.

    I think we all realized that we had really been replicating things that had already been happening. I don't know if we were smart enough to realize that we were in a cul-de-sac, but we were curious.

    There are some areas in Africa where people get one infected bite per night, and there is nowhere else better than there to research. By putting the Internet in there, scientists can perform much better, leading-edge trials wherever they're willing to go because they know they will have access, can publish remotely and are not replicating research done elsewhere. They can interact a great deal more easily and turn things around much quicker.

    If people can agree that the last 40 years didn't help win the War on Poverty in New Orleans and the Gulf - and even hurt it - then the debate shifts into not replicating the last 40 years.

    To make use of artificial genes we need to make millions of copies of them for experiments using a process called polymerase chain reaction. By putting restriction sites into specific spots along the gene, we can cut it into bite-sized pieces that are easily duplicated millions of times. So the ability to cut and paste genes back together again is critical for designing genes to the right specifications, rapidly replicating them and putting them into vectors to genetically engineer cells.

    It's more interesting this way. I don't see the point in replicating the songs like these Dead cover bands do. These songs are made to be interpreted. It's fun for us and the audience.

    Obviously, we won't be replicating that, but in our own buildings we should continue to do well. We expect another great year in Winnipeg. The loss of the team in Edmonton will hurt but adding the Toronto Marlies helps offset that. We have four new teams in all so we think we very well might hit (7 million) again.

    I personally think that people are a little bummed that not more happened for Y2K - it's very anticlimactic, ... The virus hype around Y2K was pretty intense. Because of that, because it's been so anticlimactic, I think there's a desire to attach anything to Y2K. In terms of what are we going to be seeing over the next couple of weeks, I think we'll see the Trojan horse-type viruses, the viruses that are very much network-based, e-mail-centric, and are typically focused on replicating themselves in an attempt to flood systems or create lots of unwanted mail or messages.

    For African American ideals, The Promised Land is not a land to be reclaimed after hundreds, or even thousands, of years, citing God as the real estate agent. The Promised Land doesn't echo the injustices of the past by, in part, replicating them upon others. The Promised Land is the creation of a just society with an appreciation for the diversity of all humanity and equality for all.

    In many ways we're replicating what happens in American sport, where players come through the local university. We've already got 71 live projects working with Carnegie, whether that's sending our players to them for further education or their students helping us in areas such as marketing, statistical analysis and IT.

    You're seeing a shift within the charter school movement. The first 10 years were about creating choices for parents. The second decade is a focus on identifying successful models and replicating them as quickly as possible.

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