Quotes about reputable (14 Quotes)

    I don't see a huge problem with this if we do business with these folks. I would bet that's almost a standard with their contracts. They'll use someone who is reputable so I think it will be a fair and true appraisal.

    Our hope is to form a network that will bring animals to Tucson for adoption or fostering. It is crucial to work with a reputable agency to make sure that animals are really available for adoption,

    It is certainly a crime with a victim when people who have the right to expect that they are doing business with honorable and reputable people who will be duly licensed find out that they are not.

    Anne brings an exceptional background, company knowledge and strong leadership capabilities to this position. Her extensive experience in improving the operational and financial performance of reputable organizations will garner us the ability to further expand on our Medicare Part D offerings and services.

    There are thus great swathes of the past where understanding is more important and reputable than judgement, because the principal actors performed in line with the ideas and values of that time, not of ours.

    To be absolutely certain that your donation will go to the aid of the people that are in need, I encourage everyone to donate to a reputable charity, such as the Salvation Army or the Lenawee County Chapter of the Red Cross,

    They had so many Dalmatians, that they were difficult to place. And you had Dalmatians coming from puppy mills, or breeders that are not reputable breeders -- people just quickly breeding their dog to make a quick buck. Those were not quality dogs.

    I don't know any broker who'd be willing to short a stock without getting the borrow. Any reputable fund manager and broker wouldn't do this - it's inconceivable. I don't know anyone who's done it and I don't know anyone who knows anyone who's done it.

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