Quotes about resell (12 Quotes)

    Consumers should shop around and compare offers. Some of those smaller long-distance companies, which tend to resell service from larger carriers, typically provide a more affordable rate. For low-volume users, it's important to find a plan with no monthl

    It's good that HP feels it doesn't have to invent everything as it means they can get to market quickly with new products, ... But they should also be careful they don't end up with a Chinese menu of products to resell as that adds cost and overhead.

    We pay to be in Best Buy's flyers, ... We pay market development funds. Publishers drive gaming traffic to these stores. To have them resell the games, with developers having no participation, that's just wrong. That's just fleecing us.

    They're going to resell each other's products, which is a sign of weakness. From Compaq's standpoint, that's an acknowledgement that they lack a high-end storage product. From IBM's standpoint, it's an acknowledgment that they've been unable to sell the Shark product outside of the very narrow mainframe market that they cater to.

    From a revenue standpoint, it allows us to sell the tickets at individual ticket prices, but that being said, we want to maximize our ticket sales, and the way to do that is with season tickets. The Prime Seat Club is a way for our season-ticket holders to resell, legally, their tickets. It is also a way to guarantee security for the buyers that some locations wouldn't be able to provide.

    Fiscal 2005 saw Absolute achieve significant milestones toward establishing our company as the standard for Computer Theft Recovery and Secure Asset Tracking. We reached an agreement with IBMLenovo to embed our software in the BIOS of all new ThinkPad laptops, we began enforcing our intellectual property resulting in several competitors choosing to either license our patents or resell our software, we announced an agreement with LoJack to brand our consumer offering under the well-known LoJack name, and we continued to expand our sales and marketing relationships with key OEMs.

    If the builder is going to try and resell in a couple of years, he is not going to build a slum. Ten years ago, affordable housing accounted for 80 percent of the market today, it's only 5 percent. We need affordable housing. And this is going to be a way to get people into housing affordably.

    At Davis Properties, we buy houses, typically that need repair, do the work and resell them. We buy houses from people in all different kinds of situations, houses that are going through foreclosure, divorce, any need to sell the house. Typically we make

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