Quotes about reset (16 Quotes)

    Concerns are what can I do because I can't find a contractor. How do I hang a door How do I reset my windows And again, some of these are pretty elementary do-it-yourself skills. They're still skills that under normal circumstances, you would hire a contr

    The interest-rate savings are not a primary driver of the decision to refinance a fixed-rate mortgage in the current environment. Now, the dominant refinance borrower is looking at the best way to consolidate debt or finance a big project such as a home improvement. And we also have borrowers who took out adjustable-rate mortgages in recent years that are scheduled to have their payment reset this year that may be looking at the option to refinance into a fixed-rate product or into another adjustable-rate mortgage.

    She said she needed help balancing her check book. And, there was the lady who apparently had a clock that didn't work very well. She called every day for a while, asking what time it was so she could reset her clock.

    Contrary to the WSJ report, however, the reset was underway months earlier than July 2004... Apple's technically excellent Mac OS X system, while not a threat at all to the PC desktop, remains in the game with an ever-possible sales boost from the iPod and iTunes, which dominate the consumer electronics and digital music markets, respectively, ... Much of Microsoft's problems are related to corporate culture, and that won't be fixed by Microsoft's recent reorganization. Microsoft is far too big a company with far too many levels of executives, to move quickly and seize on new market trends. Windows Vista, as a result, is fighting the OS battles of the last decade, reacting rather than being proactive and innovative. Mac OS X users, for example, can point to many of Vista's features and correctly note that they appeared first on Apple's system, sometimes years ago. For Microsoft, a company that desperately wants to be seen as an innovator, this situation is untenable... All that said, Windows Vista is now on track. Current beta builds of the system show an OS that is far more similar to Windows XP, with fewer new features and a much less elegant interface, than originally planned. But it's a solid-looking release...

    Despite my repeated efforts at getting Microsoft to speak on record about the events of last year, when the company halted development of Windows Vista--then codenamed Longhorn--so it could completely start over, from scratch, the software giant and its PR firm has consistently railroaded me and prevented me from sitting down with people who are knowledgeable about what happened, ... However, I had been briefed informally about these events, referred to internally as 'the reset.'

    U-life will become its own brand, its own lifestyle. The same key can be used to get on the subway, pay a parking meter, see a movie, borrow a free public bicycle and so on. It'll be anonymous, won't be linked to your identity, and if lost you can quickly cancel the card and reset your door lock.

    Investigators are going to want to get a good handle on how effective the reset (of that yaw damper) was, ... They need to make sure the reset is valid and didn't just have the appearance of fixing the problem.

    They turned east and, soon after, lost the bet. The wind dropped, they missed the most favorable position to cross the Doldrums, and they slipped to eleventh place. Fed up with the conditions, members of the crew began to lose faith in their strategy. One crew member complained that he had wasted three years of his life training for the race. The solution was to reset the goal. I called the crew up on deck, and we discussed what had happened, ... 'We're in the eleventh position,' I told them. 'We can't think about winning. We're going to set ourselves new targets to beat as many boats as we can, one boat at a time.'

    Unfortunately, recovering from something like a reset is a slow, lengthy process. You don't know what caused the problem, and the immediate concern is that whatever triggered it will do it again next time you try it. The thing you have to do is fire up each of the rover's capabilities one at a time, checking each one carefully and individually to see whether it would cause another reset or not. Standard spacecraft troubleshooting practicebut it takes time.

    We set some goals in the fall and for the first time in my coaching career, I had to ask the team to reset them because they've shattered the previous ones. We set out to improve our team stroke average and I think we did that by five strokes and we've been in the top five in nearly every event we've competed in with a shot to win each of them.

    Include a few moments of quite time into your daily schedule Breath deeply, evaluate your thoughts, delete the negative ones and reset your mind to a positive perspective by counting your blessings and overflowing opportunities.

    Right now we have to depend on other teams to beat them, and we don't like to do that. As a coach I don't like to do that, so we reset our goals as far as winning the conference tournament, and we have a pretty good feeling tournament-wise that we'll be t

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