Quotes about resoundingly (9 Quotes)

    This is the first time that normal citizens had a chance to speak on the biggest and most widespread political scandal in Wisconsin history. They resoundingly said that this was a profound violation of the public trust.

    In the most significant test of the political environment since 2004, Americans yesterday resoundingly supported the new priorities of Democratic candidates over the status quo policies of President Bush and Republican leadership.

    We are in the process of completing the restructuring of the NASD that its members approved so resoundingly in April, ... These appointments today set the stage for the future growth of both organizations, through outstanding leadership.

    At MTV and VH1, we're in a constant and candid dialogue with our audience. In the wake of our coverage last Saturday, our viewers have resoundingly told us on-line they want to see full performances from their favorite artists.

    This governor is spending 80 million of taxpayer money on an election that voters resoundingly have said is unnecessary. That is the most important figure. The rest is campaign rhetoric.

    Genetics, I think, resoundingly has answered the question of where we ultimately came from, we came out of Africa. And we came out quite recently, within the last 50 or 60 thousand years,

    The conventional wisdom going into the hearings for (high court nominees Clarence) Thomas and (Robert) Bork was that they were going to get confirmed. One (Thomas) was barely confirmed, and the other was resoundingly defeated.

    A state version of the Human Life Amendment has never been attempted. We believe, as the pro-life movement has always believed ... that the legal recognition of unborn children using a constitutional process would resoundingly overturn Roe. v. Wade.

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